Alex the Lion: Happy...
Gloria the Hippo: Birth...
Melman the Giraffe: Day...
Alex the Lion: To...
Gloria the Hippo: You...
Alex the Lion: You...
Melman the Giraffe: Live...
Gloria the Hippo: In...
Alex the Lion: A zoo...
Gloria the Hippo: You...
Melman the Giraffe: Look...
Alex the Lion: Like a monkey...
Melman the Giraffe: And...
Alex the Lion: You smell...
Gloria the Hippo: Like...
[all together] Alex the Lion, Melman the Giraffe, Gloria the Hippo: One too!

[last lines]
Private the Penguin: Skipper... don't you think we should tell them that the boat's out of gas? Skipper the Penguin: Naah... just smile and wave, boys; smile and wave.
1 comentário:
Nice movie. nice caracthers and a good time of relax
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